Thursday, April 21, 2011

George Lucas’ daughter returns to the cage this weekend

Amanda Lucas, daughter of the famed filmmaker George Lucas, will fight again this Saturday at Freestyle Cage Fighting in Oklahoma on a card headlined by UFC veteran Matt Grice and well-known female fighter Erin Toughill.

Lucas is 1-1, winning her last fight via decision in 2009. She had been on an extended layoff from the cage while she focused on improving technically and getting married, telling MMA Fighting that she didn't want to walk down the aisle "looking like a battered woman." You would think that her father could probably connect her with a good make-up artist.

Lucas trains at Fairtex in San Francisco as well as Gilbert Melendez's Skrap Pack team and Cesar Gracie Academy.�She also had a knee injury, but has spent the last six months training and rehabbing.

"I am really excited for this fight," she said. "I was originally scheduled to fight in February, but I suffered a partially torn MCL and PCL during my training camp. I have basically been either training or rehabbing my knee for the past six months. I am looking forward to fighting, taking a week off, and then getting back into the gym. I am in great shape, well prepared and am ready to test myself on Saturday."

Lucas has made cameos in her father's movies, including all three "Star Wars" prequels.

Hopefully, her father will get inspiration from her daughter's fight experiences and give MMA the cinematic treatment it deserves. MMA on the Death Star? Indiana Jones and the Octagon of Doom? Or Lucas could return to his roots and make an "American Graffiti" -eseque film about fighting. Instead of chronicling teenage boys and their last night before college -- and a bunch of boss cars -- Lucas could take a look at a day leading up to a fight.

It would be better than many of the cliche-ridden treatments Hollywood has given MMA in the past. Help us Amanda Lucas! You're our only hope!

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