Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yorvit Torrealba Loses Mets Grievance

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NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Mets finally won something.

Yorvit Torrealba lost his grievance against the team Thursday when arbitrator Shyam Das ruled the Mets had the right to not complete a $14.4 million, three-year agreement with the catcher in November 2007.

The agreement signed by the team and Torrealba's representative said the contract was subject to a physical that was satisfactory to the Mets. The team concluded it had concerns about his throwing shoulder, which caused him to miss three months of the 2006 season.

"The physical turned up an issue,'' Mets executive vice president and general counsel David Cohen said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "It's one of those situations where different people might have different views of the likely prognosis, but there was clearly an issue. And based on that issue, the team just felt it was not worth taking the medical risk.''


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